Sunday, May 13, 2012

Be good to your car and your car will be good to you!

People don't realize that maintaining your vehicle will help prevent accidents from happening.  Many people drive around with bald tires and wonder why their car didn't stop on time or why they slid on the ice! Other people have horrible windshield wipers and wonder why they didnt see the deer through the rain...

Things to consider...
Make sure you have good tires.  It is suggested to get new tires every 30,000 miles.  It is easy to check your tires yourself, and it will only cost you a penny.  Watch this video!

Make sure that headlights are properly aimed.  You would be surprised how much of a difference this will make!  Aiming your headlights properly can increase your line of sight. Check your headlights, break lights and tuning indicators often. 

Regularly checking your vehicle's fluids can improve your vehicle's performance.  Common fluids include...
Power Steering (you will know when you are low on this when your steering wheel is hard to turn)
Windshield washer fluid (nothing worse than running out and being blinded :)


  1. Thanks for the great tips. I know that I am guilty of not always taking care of my car. After reading this I will be sure to keep up with the maintenance on my car.

  2. It is the easiest way to prevent accidents from happening!
