Saturday, May 12, 2012

Accused of Prior Damage!!!

Let me stress the importance of getting a policy number from the person who rear ends you in a collision!  Three months ago I was sitting (yes...sitting!!) at red light when a lady rear ends me.  We pull over on to the next side street and discuss the outcome.  She clearly had put a nice dent in my rear bumper.  Then accusing me that the damage may have been there before! WEIRD.  Good thing I have worked in the collision industry for 6 years and am familiar with these situations.  I got her insurance information right away and took note of the policy number.  I got an estimate from a shop... $800! I called my insurance company and they subrogated against her company.  Good thing I got her policy number or my insurance rates would have gone up! Has this ever happened to you?  Has anyone ever rear ended you and caused damage to your vehicle and then states that the damage was already there?!?

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