Monday, June 4, 2012

Cream rises to the TOP

There are so many collision shops to choose from these days! It's hard to make a decision on where to go.  Once you find a good shop, be a loyal customer because they are good for a reason! 
Quality of repair and good customer service is typically what people are looking for when choosing a repair facility.

What to look for when making a decision...
Always ask if they guarantee their work.  Being part of a direct repair network with insurance companies is a good indication that they will guarantee their work.  Most insurance companies require shops to warranty repairs for the life of the vehicle in order to be on the program!

One thing that drives collision shops CRAZY is when customers ask "can you waive my deductible?" Only an insurance company can waive deductibles.  If you land a collision shop that offers deductible assistance, BEWARE! Even though this sounds like a great "customer service" tactic, there is probably a reason why they are willing to take $500 off your bill and it is not going to be in your benefit in the long run.  As I mentioned in an earlier post, you get what you pay for!!

If you are thinking of making an insurance claim, call your collision shop first, they will help guide you through the claims process with your insurance company.  Often times, collision shops know the ropes and can advise you on what to say to your insurance company to make it for YOUR benefit. Especially if you have a broadened collision deductible, there are ways to get your deductible waived!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mini-Tort (no, it't not a dessert!)

Many people who come in to our store ask about obtaining a mini tort.  For those of you who don't know, the State of Michigan does not require drivers to carry collision coverage, however, you can recoup some of your out of pocket expenses if you are less than 50% at fault in a collision accident. You can get up to $500 back under the Michigan Mini-Tort.  This is another reason why it is important to get a police report when your involved in an accident (especially when you're not at fault!). 

Mini Tort Facts
recover up to $500
covers vehicle damage ONLY (no personal injuries)
you have 3 yrs. from the date of accident to file your mini tort claim
motorcycles do not qualify for mini tort

How to file a mini tort you ask???
It's easy.  Make sure you know the insurance company of the person you were involved in an accident with.  Go to a collision shop and get an estimate, proving that damages are or exceed $500.  Then submit the police report and estimate to that person's insurance company and let them know you are filing for mini tort!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

You get what you pay for!!! :)

Working in the collision industry has made me realize that "you get what you pay for" is surely the case when it comes to repairs and insurance coverage.  People need to do their research when choosing their insurance company and the types of coverage that will be on their policy.  Most people call their insurance agent and have the agent do the shopping for you. And, if you were like me, you would choose the company with the cheapest premium:) Now that I have experience in this, believe me when I say that cheap insurance is NOT the way to go.  You will regret it when you file a claim against your policy.  Insurance companies are in business to retain as much of the money you have invested as possible.  To your disadvantage, they will try to fix your vehicle to THEIR advantage regarding cost in parts and repair/replace options.  For example, they will try to use recycled (used) or aftermarket parts over OEM.  In some cases it is reasonable for them to use these, but I have seen some insurance companies try to put a reconditioned part on a 2012 vehicle.  This is ridiculous!! Some of the best companies I can recommend are
  • AAA
  • Farmers Ins.
  • Meemic
  • Frankenmuth
  • Ameriprise (Costco)
  • Allstate
Be aware that these companies may have higher rates than those such as Progressive, GMAC, Geico or Nationwide but you will be rest assured that they will pay on a claim that you make and your vehicle will have a better repair, YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR!!!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Be good to your car and your car will be good to you!

People don't realize that maintaining your vehicle will help prevent accidents from happening.  Many people drive around with bald tires and wonder why their car didn't stop on time or why they slid on the ice! Other people have horrible windshield wipers and wonder why they didnt see the deer through the rain...

Things to consider...
Make sure you have good tires.  It is suggested to get new tires every 30,000 miles.  It is easy to check your tires yourself, and it will only cost you a penny.  Watch this video!

Make sure that headlights are properly aimed.  You would be surprised how much of a difference this will make!  Aiming your headlights properly can increase your line of sight. Check your headlights, break lights and tuning indicators often. 

Regularly checking your vehicle's fluids can improve your vehicle's performance.  Common fluids include...
Power Steering (you will know when you are low on this when your steering wheel is hard to turn)
Windshield washer fluid (nothing worse than running out and being blinded :)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Accused of Prior Damage!!!

Let me stress the importance of getting a policy number from the person who rear ends you in a collision!  Three months ago I was sitting (yes...sitting!!) at red light when a lady rear ends me.  We pull over on to the next side street and discuss the outcome.  She clearly had put a nice dent in my rear bumper.  Then accusing me that the damage may have been there before! WEIRD.  Good thing I have worked in the collision industry for 6 years and am familiar with these situations.  I got her insurance information right away and took note of the policy number.  I got an estimate from a shop... $800! I called my insurance company and they subrogated against her company.  Good thing I got her policy number or my insurance rates would have gone up! Has this ever happened to you?  Has anyone ever rear ended you and caused damage to your vehicle and then states that the damage was already there?!?

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Fender Bender Advice

Most people do not know what to do when they get into an accident.  Working at a collision facility for six years, I have come to know the ropes.  Here is some advice for what to do if this happens to you..
  • stay calm and check the conditions of all passengers
  • if you speak with the other driver or passenger, do not discuss the accident
  • exchange this information: driver's lecense number and state, driver's name, address, phone number, auto registration, insurance company and policy number, and whether the driver is the owner of the car. 
  • get information from police on any injured parties including name, address, age, sex and extent of injury. 
  • Call a towing company and have them tow the vehicle directly to a collision center to avoid any storage fees at a tow yard. 
  • write down name, address and phone bumber of people who witnessed the accident.  Passengers are NOT witnesses in a court of law. 
  • write down make, model and year of the other vehicle and a dicription of the damage. 
  • record the date and time of the accident, and note each vehicle's direction of travel.
  • report the accident to your insurance company.  Get a copy of the police report as soon as possible.