Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Fender Bender Advice

Most people do not know what to do when they get into an accident.  Working at a collision facility for six years, I have come to know the ropes.  Here is some advice for what to do if this happens to you..
  • stay calm and check the conditions of all passengers
  • if you speak with the other driver or passenger, do not discuss the accident
  • exchange this information: driver's lecense number and state, driver's name, address, phone number, auto registration, insurance company and policy number, and whether the driver is the owner of the car. 
  • get information from police on any injured parties including name, address, age, sex and extent of injury. 
  • Call a towing company and have them tow the vehicle directly to a collision center to avoid any storage fees at a tow yard. 
  • write down name, address and phone bumber of people who witnessed the accident.  Passengers are NOT witnesses in a court of law. 
  • write down make, model and year of the other vehicle and a dicription of the damage. 
  • record the date and time of the accident, and note each vehicle's direction of travel.
  • report the accident to your insurance company.  Get a copy of the police report as soon as possible.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Top Reasons Accidents Happen...

1) Distractions-  The most common distractions are texting while driving. Others include, radio, passengers, navigation systems or changing settings. 


2) Recklessness-  includes (but definitely not limited to) speeding, being in someone's blindspot, quickly changing lanes, and tailgating-my personal favorite.

3) Poor weather conditions- Being from Michigan,I have seen and driven through my fair share of snow storms.  Snow, ice, and rain make it hard to drive.

4) Intoxication- enough said!

Drinking and driving is dangerous for everyone

5) Bad roads/Construction-  Michigan is known for their horrible roads.  This causes people to lose control of their vehicle and causes accidents every day.  Construction also plays a major part in collisions.  It is hard to see around orange barrels!

                                                                    Look familiar?!?!